It is clear then why, even in our own difficult times, the identity of this day must be protected and above all must be lived in all its depth. (Pope John Paul II, Dies Domini, 30).
Ever since its early years, setting aside Sunday as the Lord’s day has shaped the life of the Church. Week in and week out, in good times and in bad, Sunday liturgy has been celebrated down through the centuries, and a continuous flow of grace has resulted in the life of the Church. Modern life is filled with obligations, many of them pouring over into Sunday. Time is hort. We’re all busy. The calendar is full. There is this to do and that to get done. And yet, perhaps the solution to the madness of modern life is Sunday itself. Perhaps adding this bit of weekly order – this pause to sit and listen to the readings and the homily, to sing and to pray, to witness to and to share in the miracle of the Eucharist – perhaps this is the tonic of modern life. The Church herself is unyielding on this point. Many things can change, but not this!
Become more aware of how you spend your time on Sundays. Think back to the activities you took part in last Sunday, for example. Which of them could have been shifted to other times in order to spend Sunday well?
Even if you think this is not possible, try this. Next week, set aside Sunday – all day. Don’t plan anything except what will bring rest, relaxation, and participation in the Sunday liturgy. + Blessings!