As you may be aware, it is a custom in the church to ask that a Mass be offered for the special intentions of the living and deceased in order to show our prayerful concern for them and their loved ones. Parishioners desiring to have Masses offered for a special intention are invited to make arrangements by visiting, phoning or emailing the Parish Office during normal office hours.
Mass Cards are available.
At St. Charles, we also offer our Sanctuary Candle for your prayer intentions.
The usual offering for each is $10. If you have any questions,
contact the Parish Office, 279-4403.
2022 Mass Intentions Mass Intentions through November 30, 2022 may be scheduled now.
As we have so many requests for Mass intentions, and in an effort to be fair to all, we have a few guidelines.
Parishioners may request only one weekend Mass Intention per month.
Two unrelated intentions may be scheduled for one Mass. When scheduling, you will be asked if we may add another intention for the Mass.
Mass intentions may not be scheduled for consecutive Holydays/Holidays.
Mass cards are available when scheduling your intention. The suggested donation is $10.
Please stop by or call the parish office to schedule your Mass Intentions.